Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas with my SL Family!

After tons of issues getting dressed....

I teleported to my sister's house! There was my niece, and two sisters sitting and waiting for me. Even Santa showed up to leave us some coals with presents in them :O it was fun! In between SL crashing, not responding, not rezzing, glitching etc we opened presents and took pictures.

Everyone loved the cute little sweetly written notecards I wrote for them. Each one was personal to the person. Then my little niece opened her presents because kids come first! We all got to open our presents, and were so very thankful and excited! Lots of great goodies but most of all great memories made, laughs, fun and just an overall good time shared.

Next on the list besides shopping & inventory sorting, is to wrap/box the rest of the presents for some of my friends! Anyways hope your weekend went well! xoxox

Renee <3

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Letter to SLanta!

Dear SLanta,

Hope you are having a great day! I'm sure you're making sure everything on your to do list is getting done, as well as doing the run through before the big day. I love this time of year and not because I get pressies if I'm good, but because I love decorating as well as seeing decorations everywhere. Festive movies and music everywhere you turn, it's wonderful!

xoxox Renee xoxox
Now every year I get asked the same question. What do you want for Christmas?
Well the truth is I want everyone to be happy and healthy. For everyone to be surrounded by joy, laughter and to be in a cozy home with delicious food. I also pray for those who don't get those luxuries and hope that communities will get together to help them. I want the holidays to be great for people in both the physical and virtual worlds.

Now for those of my silly loving friends and family that ask me every year in SL what I want for Christmas, here is a tiny paste list for you to choose from. I also love giftcards. This is my personal wishlist that I use to save up for the items. You don't have to get me anything as your friendship is more than enough but for those that like to give gifts, the list is a guide to what I like :)

Now its time for me to continue my sl Christmas shopping and wrap things up in cute boxes!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Displaying of Names

You can now have display names in world.

Providing the viewer you use supports that feature lol It's a new feature in our lovely virtual community, which surely will be abused by many but at least it serves some good purpose to others. I can see it working especially for couples, or when a family adopts a child Av, or even if you want a shorter version of your name.

Then for new residents signing up, they now have taken out last names (although some were quite fun/funny) and have made it so that you can have whatever name you wish providing its not taken. This is great for most people unless you get pissed that the name you want has already been chosen and therefore you need to create a different version.

I personally just want to be able to edit my name. I'd love to remove the numbers from it, and then to have a different last name or like the new sign ups, have Resident as the last name which is hidden. I truly do wish that I had been smart enough to create a new account before purchasing a lot of stuff. I mean some things are transfer but most isn't.

Anyways that's just my little opinion. I gotta decide how much I hate the name, enough to start over or not that's the question isn't it....Anyways back in world I go lol I need to stop thinking so darn much. xoxoxo Renee <3

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winter has Arrived!

It's not my fave season!

So it's getting cooler, rainier and there has been a tiny bit of snow! The Christmas decor is all up on the porch and inside the house. It was so much fun, we decorated while listening to festive music yay! The other night in SL my friend and I did some snowboarding, exploring winter sims and went sledding around a sim. We are busy bees but have a ton of fun at least :p

Stores are prepping for the holidays & winter by releasing themed items, starting the advent gifts, a bunch of hunts including some with great stores participating, setting transferable options, and of course decorating for the season on the sims/parcels.

I love this time of year for its festivities and decorating as I love pretty things. I do not however like the cold, the rain or sometimes the snow (aside from a light sprinkle of it) because I tend to get aches and pains along with lung related stuff and it just sucks. However I do stay happy & positive as well as try to distract my self with SL or the Sims 3 or socializing.

Did I mention that SLanta should hire me as an elf ? I'd be so cute lol Anyways I'm off to distract myself and hope that the rain stops tonight at some point soon. Love ya lots xoxox

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fun Filled Night!

I was online during different parts of the day.

Then around 10:30pm my family & I decided to watch a movie in RL. Once it was done and I did my nightly routine, I came back to my computer to chat with my friend. She then says she wants us to go shopping so we can take some fun pictures! Sounded good to me :)

I never imagined it would get as silly and hilarious as it was! She was laughing soo much that I swear she sounded like she couldn't breathe lol We took like a million pictures! Ok maybe that's a slight exaggeration lol but hey we had fun taking them. Every time we did one, another one came to mind. My fave part was how we mix matched poses from different sets. Like merging a pose from a couples set, into a group set lol tooooo fun!

It totally kept me occupied and distracted. It was fun, like I haven't had that kinda fun in world in a little while. It was just soo funny. We even used those emoter huds to make silly faces and such! Then we had funny convos through the whole photo session. Oh and we even played with our shapes and like maxed sliders LOL...I'm also blaming Rylan on my Plurk timeline for me now wanting a baby lol and now I can't afford it yet. Where's an SL genie when ya need one ? lol

Anyways here's a picture of our crazy fun filled night of silliness! Enjoy! xoxox Renee

**Picture Coming Soon**

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Trick or Treat Day!! lol

Saturday night I had a wonderful girls night at my place that lasted until like 3am. Then everyone went home & those who stayed, went to bed! I stayed up though because I was in pain. Overall though it was a phenomenal day!!

Now today was pretty lazy actually! I slept in a bit and then had girl talk with my mom & her bestie. Her friend is going through a rough time so we were letting her vent about it. Then she went home, we had dinner followed by delicious cake. The rest of the day was spent watching movies!

I then went to an event that had great prizes & I believe I won the grand prize but then there was a script error and SL ate the item! If I am so lucky again tonight then thats great but if not oh well. On another note, there have been new releases, blog posts etc on SL babies and it sometimes makes me want another one. Go figure!

Anyways don't eat too many sweets but if you do, then brush your teeth like a good boy or girl lol Happy Halloween again! <3

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh What A Day!

It's been a pretty crazy couple of days.

This week so far so much has happened. In world I had some major log in issues on Tuesday evening and night. It was like super slow or it would like stall on the log in window where the loading bar was almost loaded but not quite, then it would stop the rest of the loading but wouldn't crash so I had to click quit and then retry! Glad that is over with lol it was quite irritating.

Then there's the issue with the Emerald viewer and what new one to replace it with. I don't really get into it because it doesn't affect me too much and I have more important things to stress over. I will say that I think LL should make a viewer or even the people that do snowglobe, to have a version with like the 1.23 layout etc as it was user friendly, but with the bells and whistles of viewer 2.0 or even some stuff that other viewers have that we like. That's just my personal preference as because of my disability, when I'm laying down my position makes using the 2.0 viewer difficult due to the layout (its hard to explain).

In my RL we had some family emergencies going on that have drained and totally stressed us out. When I am stressed my pain gets harder to deal with and my sleep schedule is worse than it already is. But being me I try to focus on some positive things and try to keep my spirits high.

On another note there is some great stuff going on around the grid that I am excited for. We have Hair Fair that is charity related, we have the new opening of the hide & seek sim which is home to many stores including the much loved Awesome Blossom, Molto Bene & Olive Juice Poses, and finally we have the Project Donate event raising money for Unicef & helping the Pakistan Flood Crisis.

I am going to make some stuff for the event, mind you my store has yet to get a sale and unfortunately that is not good when you have a rental land or when you want to shop a tiny bit due to stress. Why cant finding a Manager's job be easier ? Or why does my disability have to get in the way lol Oh well what can ya do. I hope to get things settled this month. Anyways I am done venting for today.

Till next time,

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Walking on the Beach

Today was the best day I've had in forever!

The home & garden hunt started and I am totally addicted to anything regarding home/decor. I also completed a bunch of stuff for my store that I am opening in world which makes me excited as well. I really hope it turns out well.

Then in RL I had a bit of a crappy sleep but then I slept in which was great. My house was quiet for the first time in a long time. No stupid stepsister to annoy everyone, no stupid step uncle to irritate people, just us in our house having a good time.

Then we went out with a friend of ours, down to the beach. Some of us went for a walk on the boardwalk while the others sat on the picnic blanket just hanging out. Then they ordered ice cream but I chose to get a slurpee instead on the way home. When it got too breezy we headed back home. The day was so wonderful and made me so very happy.

Now it's time for me to finish hunting, then taking vendor pics, then watching true blood. Hope your Sunday was great.

Renee <3

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crazy Days of Summer

Hello Lovelies :)

Lately has been crazy in both lives and its summer so hence the title. I have been working on a store in SL but it's taking forever due to RL which I have no control over lol The great thing is that my bestie in world is always there for me. She gives me advice, encourages me and tells me my store will do well. She even helps me when I get frustrated and can't fix something because our virtual world has mood swings.

I also love how me and her discuss blog posts, which by the way I need to do some on my shopping/review type of blog. She has an awesome blog, and did I mention amazing photography skills ? Check out her blog @

We have a blast together, she's funny, silly, and just very much like me :) It's nice to have that fun and happiness to log into especially lately with how my stepbrat aka stepsis in RL has been acting. Between her and everything else, I sometimes feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. It rained today but the weather has usually been hot and humid. We're hoping for a BBQ this weekend which will be fun.

Anyways back to building! Till next time,
Renee <3

Monday, June 28, 2010

Too much thinking!

Hello Lovelies!

I don't know if I told you but I hate thinking sometimes lol sigh

Lately I have not been sleeping very well due to excruciating pain. I still do not have an appointment for the surgery & the pain likes to be in charge. Oh and no meds seem to help it either, just my luck!

I am still trying to figure out a plan for my SLife. It's not easy to find a job that works around your schedule. Unfortunately its no ones fault but there are limitations for me. I have a schedule for my medical stuff as you know, I am in chronic pain & never know when I can log in as in time wise. As for creating well I am great with ideas but not so much the creating aspect. Granted there are tools full perm but it gets pricey.

I'm not even so concerned about monies to shop, but mostly just the 1700L monthly for my little parcel which is my peaceful spot.

On another note my friends rock. I can always count on my RL & SL friends to keep me laughing lol the silly jokes, crazy stories & random pictures are just priceless :)

Now I did cheer myself up a bit with this weekends 50L Friday, other discount events & my fave Spruce Up Your Space. Only problem was last night I finally decided on which items I wanted but SL kept crashing me. It goes unresponsive then the SL screen is white & won't close so I end up restarting the computer. Bye bye good deals! GRRR

Oh and another SL glitch! Have you ever gotten the glitch where you click buy but button never loads? Well that happened to me when I went to Molto Bene. The creator recently released 2 versions of this awesome house that I fell in LOVE with and had them on sale for the weekend. For the regular price of the big version, you could get the 2 houses. So I thought I'd buy both for the price of one. Well nope SL is a hater lol Now they are both back to regular price and sadly I can't afford it right now when there is no income coming in. At least I got a skybox.

Anyways I'm done venting. Time to eat then log back in. If my net could stop glitching. I sort of feel a bit better now. Talk to you later hopefully on a happier note! xoxo